Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Digital Animation Project

This step-by-step process will explain and show exactly how this Digital Animation was done.

1. Import images that will be used as trace layers, then adjust the opacity and begin tracing them using the brush tool and filling them in with color using the paint bucket tool. Do this for all the images involved. Be sure to apply Onion Skin settings and set the Frames Per Second.

2. To create an animation of a drawing being drawn on a canvas, move from frame to frame drawing section by section.

3. Using the brush tool outline the dancing person with the frame-by-frame outline provided in the image used as inspiration. Then go frame by frame and adjust the position. This will give movement to the dancing person outline as the animation goes on.

4. Outline and color a trace drawing of a candle and keep rotating its position so when the animation moves frame by frame there will be a movement to the flame.

           Step 1:

           Step 2:

           Step 3:

           Step 4:

Digital Animation Proposal & Inspirational

Revision of Self Portrait

This step-by-step process will explain and show exactly how I revised my Self Portrait image.

1. Import Alamo image.

2. Cut and Crop a portion of the Alamo Image to use as the flooring.

3. Next using the pen tool, create paths around the entire image then control right click, select stroke path, select brush and the color black. This will give you a brush outline of the entire image.

4. Use the eyedropper tool to sample colors within the original photo and then using the brush tool paint them in to the areas they are located in.

5. Import 2nd image.

6. Import original Self-portrait image for editing. Next show the project’s grid, then navigate to the preferences section and select Guides, grids & Slices. Here you will choose the option style: Lines and the second option change your Gridline to pixels. Now select your Gridline preference and subdivision preference. Make a copy of the image and then open your polygonal lasso tool and uncheck Anti-alias. Now using the polygonal tool create the shapes you want within the gridlines and then navigate to filter>blur>average to give a flat polygonal color effect. Crop the left side of the new polygonal image, using the Rectangular marquee tool. Now using the free transform option use the horizontal double arrow and drag it across the image to create a completely new image.

7. Apply a photo filter to the entire canvas.

8. Using the quick selection tool copy a portion of another image and copy +paste it to the shirt. Finally apply a color balance to the shirt to give it a new color.

           Step 1:

           Step 2:

             Step 3:

             Step 4:

            Step 5:

            Step 6:

            Step 7:

           Step 8:

Landscape Proposal and Inspiration

Below is a collection of my original sketches and the pictures that inspired and became apart of my project.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Landscape Project Step by Step Process

Landscape Project Steps
This step-by-step process will explain and show exactly how I created my Landscape image.

1.     First apply a colored (fading) radient to the background layer.
2.     Import cloud image and adjust its brightness to make it more visible.
3.     Import aerial land image and adjust the exposure, making it darker so it wont be overwhelming when a filter is later applied on top of the image.
4.     Import dock image and adjust the Hue/Saturation to manipulate the color.
5.     Import two dog images add drop shadows to them and readjust the size and placement of both the original images and their respective drop shadows.
6.     Import Phone Booth image, adjust the Hue/Saturation and then use the pen tool to cut out images within the Phone Booth that are not reflective of the layers underneath.
7.     Import bubbly water image.
8.     Select the entire portrait and adjust the color balance to amplify the color of our choice, which will then enhance the images visual impact.
9.     Import Eiffel Tower image. Use the erase tool to cut off the unneeded portion of the image. Use the smudge tool to smudge and blend the bottom of the image to give it a disappearing effect.
10.  Select the cloud image and adjust its vibrance again to amplify the color of the respective image enhancing its visual impact.

11.  Finally import the image of a couple and apply a drop shadow.


           Step 2:

           Step 3:

           Step 4:

           Step 5:

           Step 6:

           Step 7:

           Step 8:

           Step 9:

           Step 10:

           Step 11:

           Lab Log