Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Photoshop Cartoon Effect Tutorial

This tutorial will teach you how to create cartoon effect on a image in photoshop. 

Link to original tutorial -

1.   Import the image you would like to use.
2.     Select brush tool and make line width to 3 or 4. Select pen tool and start outlining the picture.  Also when you finish an outline for a particular selection hit control + right click, select stroke path and set it to brush, click ok. This will show a brush outline on the areas where the pen tool is applied.
3.     Once your brush outline is complete you can hide the original photo and begin working on adding color to your cartoon layer.
4.     Make a new layer and set it to multiply. Show original photo. Select brush tool and hold down shift so that the eyedropper tool is shown allowing you to sample the colors used in the original photo.
5.     Hide original photo and begin using the brush tool to fill in brush outline photo with sampled midtones.
6.     Now drag over the original picture so they are side by side and you can begin outlining the cartoon layer to add in shadow or highlight effects. Once your outline is done right click fill path and select foreground color which should be the eyedropper color.
Repeat eyedropper sampling, painting in the colors and applying necessary shadows.



 Step: 2 part 2






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